Another example of packing deficiencies.
Slight packing deficiencies in a general purpose container |
The packaging of package (1) is too weak or has already been slightly damaged by handling. Even the slight gaps between packages (1) and (2) and between (2) and (3) could result in damage. Poor application of the straps (4) and (5) on package (2) could result in the straps bursting on lifting with a forklift truck, so leaving the carton standing unsecured on the pallet. A somewhat better solution has been found for package (3), but strapping is missing at (6). A negative feature is that steel strapping has been used without adequate edge protection.
Packing improved by slight modifications |
A satisfactory result can be achieved just by pushing the packages closer together and filling the resultant gap at (7).
Sometimes the details make all the difference.
Inadequate support under a pallet |
Usable support under a pallet |
Supporting the pallet (1) with a vertical squared lumber member is not satisfactory in this case. There is nothing to ensure that this member will stay in place during a voyage. The wooden structure (2) is a usable solution, but, although it will stay in place, considerable labor and thus costs are involved.
Gap left in the stow |
Bracing a gap |
The large gap between the package (3) and container side wall absolutely must be braced. A feasible structure of squared lumber and boards is shown here (4). However, it is always better to ensure that container-compatible dimensions and stowage methods are used throughout packaging, palletization and stowage.