GDV's Loss Prevention Committee suggested that a container handbook be written in order to avoid transport losses and clarify their causation.
The transport properties of the products and their packaging form the theoretical foundation of this handbook. These properties are based on the water content, biotic activity and storage climate requirements of the goods. Using this method, it is possible to evaluate the suitability of the goods for container transport while taking account of risk factors applying, for example, to highly perishable goods, hygroscopic goods, liquid goods, industrial raw materials, semi-manufactured articles and industrial goods. The climatic conditions prevailing outside and inside the container are a major factor in evaluating the suitability of the goods for container transport, while examples of incidents of loss and hints for preventing such incidents are also given. Care has also been taken to ensure close links with the TIS Cargo information pages.
The author would like to take this opportunity to thank Captain Uwe Schieder for his commitment to the success of the Container Handbook, which he has followed from its inception and to which he has made many valuable contributions from his long practical experience. A group of experts, the Container Handbook working party, provided valuable support in the form of advice and appropriate illustrative material, so in particular ensuring the practical relevance of the Container Handbook.
Section 10, Climatic Conditions, made use of a paper given by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Scharnow on the occasion of the Loss Prevention Conference, 1998.
Captain Schieder is due thanks for his contribution of section 13.9, risk factor Mechanical influences.
The author would like to express her thanks to all those who have assisted her, including any who are not mentioned by name, and it is her hope that the Container Handbook will help to bring about a reduction in the constant losses arising from container transport.