Frozen goods, consisting primarily of animal products (meat, fish) which are already at their optimum temperature on packing, have merely to be protected from the effects of external heat. They are stowed tightly together in a block without spaces.
It must be ensured that subzero temperatures are maintained in the floor, side and ceiling areas, that the cooling air flows right round the block, i.e. that the cartons do not come into contact with the heat entering the container through its walls, floor and ceiling.
It must thus be ensured that the cartons cannot interrupt the air flow through the corrugations in the side walls. A free space of at least 8 - 10 cm must be left between the top of the cargo block and the container roof. The maximum cargo height is marked in the containers (Max. Load Height/Maximale Ladungshöhe, see Fig. 92).
Figure 92: The red line in the container indicates the maximum cargo height. The free space above the red line ensures that the return air, which has been "warmed up" by the cargo stack, can flow back to the refrigeration unit. The corrugations in the outer insulation ensure that the cold air flows around the outside of the cargo block of the fully, flush-loaded container.
Photo: Schieder [49] |