When coils are stowed "Eye to side", lashings taken as half loops through the eyes of the coils act only longitudinally in the container. Since the securing points in the bottom area of the container have an MSL of about 1000 kg (about 10 kN) only, and not all securing points can be put into effect simultaneously, additional pressure elements to the end walls and corner posts must be applied in general and also the coils stiffened to each other with timber.
Figure 18: Longitudinal securing of coils by means of half loops
The remaining transverse securing with that arrangement should exclusively be realised by pressure elements. Care should be taken that the transverse shores are not set directly against the side walls of the container (Figure 19), but transfer their securing load through longitudinal cross-beams onto as many corrugations of the container wall as possible (Figure 20). Additionally, the actual shores must be stabilised by nailed-on longitudinal scantlings in a way, that they retain their function after occasionally falling slack.
Figure 19: Improper transfer of pressure to the container walls and poor stabilising of shores |
Figure 20: Sound transfer of pressure to the container walls and reliable stabilising of shores
With coils stowed "Eye fore and aft", simple half loops through the eyes of the coils will only act transversely in the container. But also here, additional pressure elements must be set in the transverse direction. The remaining longitudinal securing should solely be effected by pressure elements, which must be appropriately stronger. This securing concept is described in detail in the Container Handbook, chapter