13.10.4   Loss prevention measures for avoiding damage due to toxicity/hazards to health
  1. The cargo information pages (TIS) suggest for all goods of vegetable origin, such as fruit and vegetables, a TLV concentration of 0.49 vol.% for the CO2 content and an atmospheric oxygen content of 20.95 vol.%.
  2. Testing for the atmospheric content of carbon dioxide, oxygen and many other gases is carried out using detection equipment (multi-gas detector, see TIS).
  3. Although in container transport the risk of an accident due to a build-up of carbon dioxide or reduction in oxygen content is minimized due to opening of the container doors, attention should still be drawn to this risk as such an accident could occur in enclosed storage areas.
  4. Compliance with regulations for preventing, averting the further spread of and ensuring the rapid elimination of animal diseases, parasitoses and other specific hazards for livestock must be demonstrated by certificates, veterinary certificates and other similar documents which show that the animals, plants and goods are free of transmissible diseases or pests.
  5. Particular care must be taken to avoid anthrax infection arising from handling animal hair and bristles, especially with imported horse, cattle and goat hair as well as pig bristles and pig wool. When handling bone meal contaminated with anthrax spores, transit through the cargo handling area must be prevented.
    Once handling operations are complete, the containers in which the bone meal was transported must be thoroughly sprayed with formalin (1% formaldehyde content). Exposure time must be at least six hours. The containers must then be cleaned and disinfected again, any sweepings being disposed of. Complete protective clothing must be worn during these operations.
  6. Eating and smoking are prohibited when working with animal substances and articles. Hands must be washed and disinfected with a skin disinfectant before eating or smoking.
  7. Plant importation regulations are intended to prevent the spread of plant diseases and pests. The importation and transit of plants, plant parts and products is permitted only on submission of a certificate which must have been made out no more than twenty days before the date on which the plants or plant products left the country of origin.

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